Wednesday, June 4, 2014

What's Up Wednesday!

We have had so much going on. Every night I basically fall asleep before my head hits the pillow! So here is what's up....

*Jagger started swim team last week. His first day of practice was on Tuesday and the first swim meet was on Saturday! This boy has found his niche! He absolutely loves it! He smiles the whole time he is swimming. All you see is dimples coming up out of the water! I am beyond proud of him. I can't wait to see what the future holds for him in swimming!
his ribbons from the swim meet!

* Hudson has been a busy body! He is crawling like a mad man and is into everything! He wants to walk so bad...He will take a few steps then once he realizes what he is doing, he plops down.
He is cutting several teeth and having a time with them! I will be glad when they come in so he wont 'be in pain.  On Sunday he decided to start running fever and has been running fever ever since! Yesterday it got up to 102.5 and I took him to the doctor. They checked him for everything and found nothing! The doctor said it could be several different things but not for certain on any of them! He ran fever most of the night and then finally this morning it broke!! wooohoo..
horrible quality picture but love watching him stand and try to walk!

*Jagger has been busy with ball games also.. I have enjoyed watching him play ball. Our little team has definitely improved from the beginning of the season! Matthew and I were discussing our views and concerns with ball.We don't yell We don't get onto Jagger because he misses the ball or they don't win the game. We always give Jagger and our team encouragement!...Our main concern is Jagger having fun. Yes we want him to win but we know in life we don't always win! We always wanted to make sure that if anything we see improvement from when we started and that he is happy!!
I have been very disappointed at parents from this age! I can't believe the way some of them act! Its very sad to me!

*Vacation!!! We are trying to figure out what to do on vacation!!! We are beach people all the way! We could live on the beach and really we don't consider anything vacation unless its on the beach but we have thrown Disney around a couple of times! So....I am not sure what we will do this year but we are going to do something! We are all in need of a vacation!

* 10 year class reunion! This seems unreal but this year is my 10 year class reunion! I think it has been kind of a mess trying to get it planned but we finally have a date set! I can't wait to see everyone and I hope we have a good turnout!

so whats going on in your world??
Hope everyone has a blessed day!
Lots of love...

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