Friday, June 19, 2015

A Few Facts!

Hey y'all!! It's been a few, I know. I have been horrible about staying on track with the blogging. Life just gets in the way! Instead of beating myself up, I will just blog when I can and go with that! ;) So I wanted to share a few facts with you about what is going on in our world lately!!

*The "cousins" have been here for 2 weeks, so our world has been consumed with them! Jagger stays with them until bedtime (9:45) and then wakes up at 7:30am and wants to instantly go to grandmas! We took our yearly cabin trip with them this year. It was hysterical. 5 kids and 3 adults in a van..entertainment!

*I have learned that I am horrible with a "blogging schedule". I have full intentions of blogging but then I run out of time or fall asleep before I can get it typed for the next day? I am also bad about getting so far behind on reading other blogs that I can't get caught up.....How do other bloggers do it???

*I am going on 20 something days of healthy eating and exercise. Last night I did a crossfit workout and today I can barely move my legs.

*Today I got mad at God. I hope this does not make me sound like a horrible person, but we have something personally going on that I wasn't happy about. I guess you could say it didn't get my way. I told God I was angry with him, then apologized and ask that he would forgive me. I do tend to get wrapped up in what I want and not what HE could possibly have in store for us.  Am I the only one that does this?

*I was looking at pictures today of my boys and had a small break down! Stop growing so fast!

*If you have read my blog for any sort of time, or followed me on Instagram then you know I LOVE to do special breakfasts! I do them for every holiday/birthday/etc...I am doing one for Father's Day and it is going to be awesome. I can't wait to share it with you! (Matthew if you are reading this..please forget about this part!)

* I haven't done a What I am Wearing post in a long time. It sort of makes me sad, but the real reason is I do not own many summer clothes??? I am just not a summer clothes kind of girl! I like my boots, scarves and jeans! ;)

*Matthew and I will be celebrating our anniversary soon! We have been through a lot in a few short years and I wouldn't have it any other way! ;)

Well...that's all I have for you today!
Hope you have a super blessed Friday!
Lots of love...


  1. Yes, we all get angry at God....its why we are human!!!! Missed your blog but it looks like you're busy in the memory making department and that's awesome! xo Amanda

  2. I feel like blogging is so hard in the summer – there is just SO many actual events going on. Hope the special Father’s Day breakfast went great!

  3. I love posts like this! And OMG, Matthew's Daddy's Day breakfast was so stinkin' cute---you are so creative!
