Tuesday, July 24, 2018

In This House!

In this house we are far from perfect!! We screw up on a daily basis, but I'm ok with that! Matthew and I have tried to the best parents we can be. There are some things I wish we would have done different, but I feel like overall we are doing a pretty good job. I want my kids to look back when they are older and have happy memories of growing up.  I want them to enjoy their time at home as kids. I want home to be a safe place. A place where they feel comfortable and can share anything on their minds. A place where they can be them. A place full of laughter and love. Isn't that what we all ultimately want? One thing I have learned is that it doesn't just happen!! You have to work at. You have to put forth some effort, and this my friends is where changes are coming to our house! Matthew and I both are guilty of just thinking that if we put on a happy face that everyone will just "get it". If we smile and blow it off, our kids will automatically understand what we expect and how to act! WRONG!! They have to be taught what is expected. They have to be taught how to act!
I sat down the other night and came up with 10 things that are important to our home! I haven't decided what to call them. I don't like the word rules because it seems so negative.. Suggestions are welcome. They will be typed and hung on the wall!!
1. We respect everyone.
2. Keep voices at a normal level. No reason to yell unless you are hurt.
3. When Mom and Dad are talking you listen. That means stop what you are doing. 
4. Obey Mom and Dad- even if you don't like it! 
5. If you can't say anything nice, just keep your mouth shut!
6. Manners are a must! No questions
7. Only good attitudes! If something is bothering you, lets talk about it.
8. We are going to church! We may not always feel like it, but we are going! 
9. Love each other! We are a special gift from God to each other...so act like it! 
10. God is #1!!! If other things are being put in front of HIM, those things need to go!

Now that we have those (still need a name), we also decided it's time to really focus on positive behavior! We are bad about harping on the bad behavior (bad attitudes, bad manners, being bad, etc), I really wanted us to focus on the good!! Enter the "Caught Ya Being Good" jars! Each boy has a jar, and when they are caught doing good, they get to put a rock in their jar! When the jar is full, they can pick a prize from the prize jar! The prizes are GOOD, so they want them! 

Every day is a working progress. We are far from perfect and don't want to be perfect! In this house what we want to be is happy, fun, loving, compassionate, caring, God fearing, silly, and most importantly full of good memories!! 
Hope you have a super blessed day! 
Lots of love....

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