Saturday, August 2, 2014

Megan A-Z!

I don't have a lot to write about today so I am going to do something I have never done before! One of the blogs I love to read Mississippi Mrs. did this the other day, and I loved it so much I thought I would give it a try! Check Kayla  out you won't be sorry! She is precious! I am going to go through every letter of the alphabet and write the first thing that comes to my mind that relates to me and it will begin with that letter! If you don't understand you will get it! :) Enjoy!

A: Arkansas! Born and raised!

B: Books!! I love books. I bought 3 new ones this weekend! I dream about having a library in my home!! I would never leave!

C: Church. My church home holds a special place in my heart! With Hudson being sick all the time I do not get to go like I should but I know a piece of my heart is there!
D: Disney World!!! I can't not wait to go here! It has been a dream since I was a little girl and I am finally getting a chance to count down the days! Don't tell Jagger ...its a big surprise!

E: Ebay! Ebay is exciting! So many cool things to look at!
F: Friends! We are beyond blessed with the friends we have! I can not thank God for them enough! I love them very much!
G: gifts! I love to GIVE gifts! When I am out shopping I am constantly in my mind thinking of what would be great for someone else!
H: Hudson! I never knew I could have love for another child! What a miracle and blessing he is! He has taught us so much!

I: IPhone, Ipad, IPod......I don't know what we would do with out our "I's"!
J: Jagger! This boy brings so much joy and laughter to my life! He will always be my "baby"!! I am so proud of the little boy he is becoming!!
K: Kennett! After living here over 6 years, I am for sure learning to love you and call you Home!
L: Laundry! Laundry! Laundry! Nothing else to say!
M: Mom.....I love being a mom! The best job that God has given me!
N: Night Owl! I am a night owl! I use to be more of a night owl than I am now because now I need sleep, but always could get more done at night than any other time!
O: Only child! I am an only child!
P: Perdido Key! Our favorite beach to visit!
Q: Q-tips! I use them for everything and start to panic when I run out!
R: rest!! I don't get a lot but when I do, it is amazing!! Today my mom let me rest and I felt like a new person..thanks mom!
S: Shopping! I love to shop...Matthew laughs and says I can go shopping in a gas station and be happy! I would shop more if the budget would love me! but I love to shop for a good deal!
T: Taco Bell, you make me very happy but you are not making my waist happy or anything else! Its time to cut back on you, but I will always love you!
U: Urban Decay...Your make up is amazing!

V: Van! Why yes I drive a van! and I am not ashamed! It is comfortable, affordable and gets amazing gas mileage!

W: Watermelons! Matthews family farms watermelons so what else should I put here and plus they are yummy!

X: XX1 Forever (Forever 21) of my favorite stores!!! could spend hours in here!

Y: Yams! Gross!

Z: Zodiac Sign- Virgo!
Hope you learned a little more about me and have had a blessed day!
Lots of love..

1 comment:

  1. Fun post!! Remember when we used to shop and specifically make a calendar of who was wearing what and when?
