Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Throwed Rolls Please?

If you have never heard of a "throwed roll" then you have never been to Lambert's! This has become one of Jagger's favorite places to eat and I really think its only because he gets to catch the huge flying hot rolls! and yes I said huge and flying in the same sentence. I should also add hot with butter! This is where we ate lunch today but let me backtrack and explain how we got here!
For several weeks now, I have been wanting to visit my SIL's(sister-in-law!) new crib! She is a big girl now. Graduated college, got a job, and now has a place to call her own! We are all super proud of her! Anyways, I have been dying to see her cute place, but with all the stuff going on in our house, it just has not worked out. Last week, we decided this would be our last "real" chance at getting to go before Jagger starts to school on Thursday. Seeing that she moved to a town that has a Carter's outlet (why would I miss the chance to go there?), and a Lowes (yes, I had to pick up a few things that the other stores didn't have) and we could eat at Lambert's! Heck why not....Visit, Eat and shop. I can't think of a better way to spend a day! So this morning around 8am, Jagger, Hudson, Gigi, Grandma Betty and myself head out to see Aunt Claire! I was beyond excited to see her house and it is precious! I love everything she has done with it! The boys were happy to make sure the beds were bouncy enough to jump on. While they jumped  and ran around the house like wild Indians, I used the bathroom and then checked out Aunt Claire's crib! Aunt Claire, I approve! Once the boys broke in the house, it was time to load up and head to Lowes! I was determined to find my shelf I needed. I was even thinking about how good it would look in my bathroom. We walk in the store and I head my direction while the others go another direction, and I might add that when we walked in I gasped, BLOW-UPS. I wanted to panic and turn the other direction but it was too late! My precious, blow up lovin', 5 year old had already spotted them! I knew it was best to let him and grandma work this one out! I get over to the cabinets and after 10 minutes of searching and asking every employee I could find....the cabinet was not there. I was so sad but decided I could just order it! Just wasn't meant to be. As I walk to the front of the store because I figured the rest of them are waiting on me, what do I see? A 5 year old and his grandma holding a  purple box that housed a HUGE blow up dragon with fire breathing eyes and wings that flap! Great! Just what the Cohn family needs...another blow up! My children love these things and it has become quite the joke because Matthew and I always said we would never have them and here we are now I'm pretty sure winning the neighborhood contest of "House with the most tacky blowups"!

After Lowes, we head to Carters. 45 minutes and two bags of clothes later we figure its time to eat! Lambert's here we come. If you have never been to Lambert's, you should go at least once in your life! It is down home cookin'- meatloaf, fried chicken, ham, then tons of sides - fried potatoes, black eyed peas and of course the rolls. This guy rolls a cart around with steaming hot rolls. You raise your hand, and before you know it a roll is flying across the room and you better be ready to catch it! The rolls are so yummy. They are a meal in themselves!!
The whole trip was a lot of fun and we can't wait to go back to see Aunt Claire  and eat some throwed rolls!

Tonight was also a big night for us because Jagger had open house at school. He will start kindergarten on Thursday. Tear! I can't believe my baby boy is growing up so fast! I am looking forward to this new adventure for him! I know it will be exciting for all of us.
Hope everyone has had a blessed day and a blessed night now!
Lots of love..