Thursday, February 21, 2019


Home! What comes to mind when you hear this word? For me, I instantly think comfort. Warmth. Trust. Safe. I know for some that these may not be the words you feel. I see kids on a daily basis and I am sure the words that come to mind are scared, cold, and mean. My heart hurts so much for these babies.
I am sure you are wondering where in the world am I going with this? Well, we moved into our new house almost a year (in May) ago. I have been complaining and throwing silly little fits that it just hasn't felt like HOME! I am still trying to find furniture and other decor to spruce it up. (Now...don't start sending me messages about how I shouldn't be complaining about my house...I am not complaining at all. I LOVE our house! I am just being open and honest about my feelings towards it being "put together", and I am hoping others feel this way or have felt this way before)  I look around at others (comparing, which is a NO. NO) and think that their house is so cute and put together! I look at websites and find tons of stuff to buy to put in the house. BUT does this stuff really make a house a HOME? Are the material things what makes us feel comfort, and warmth? NO! The other day, Jagger and I were having a discussion about his attitude. (10 year old has hit us hard with attitude? Not sure what is going on, but I was thinking I had a few more years?) I was explaining to him that our home should not be a place that is full of negativity, hostility, yelling, bad attitudes, and toxic behavior. I want my boys to want to come HOME. I want them to know when they walk in the door all judgment goes away. I want them to know they are safe. I want them to know that they are loved no matter what. I want Home to be a place that is full of laughter and love. HOME is a safe place from the yucky world out there. After talking to Jagger, it really hit me. All of these things that I have been wanting to make our house a HOME, we already have! Its the people in our house that make it a HOME!  We may not have our house completely decorated. We may have blank walls. We may have piles of laundry and toys toys every where you look, but GUESS What? I'm ok with it!  The next time we have a small pity party over how our house looks, lets stop and ask ourselves if we want a house or a HOME?  A few things that have been going on in our home since October... ;)

Hope your day is full of many blessings.
Lots of love...

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