Woohooo...It's the 1st day of Fall and I am one happy gal! Last night we had a small scare with Hudson but other than that we are doing great!! He was really having a hard time breathing...we had to get a hold of doctors to find out if we needed to come to hospital or keep doing breathing treatments...thankfully after another treatment he started feeling better! I had a long night and didn't get much sleep from worrying! Its the first time I have been scared since we have been home! but this morning he woke up with a smile on his face! ;)
I am so excited about fall! It is my favorite time of the year! Our home is slowly turning into a "fall wonderland (instead of winter wonderland!) - I know I am weird! ;) We are not quite finished but when I get done I will post pictures! and if you know my son then you know what one of his favorite decorations for Holidays that I can't stand is....BLOWUPs!!! Well.....Thanks to Grandma Betty and Jagger we will be displaying several this Halloween season! ;) Oh well it makes Jagger so happy and that is all that matters!
We are also super excited because this week is the Delta Fair...It is a huge deal around here and the fair parade will be on Tuesday so tonight people will be setting up chairs so they will have a spot! It makes me laugh...I have mixed emotions on the fair...One side of me loves it like a child! I Love the Food!! I already have my list of food I will be enjoying! I love getting to see everyone! and now that Jagger is old enough to ride the rides, I LOVE watching how happy he is on the rides! It is worth every penny to hear him laugh and squeal on the rides! So that is one side of me...The other side does not care for the fair.one word- GERMS!!! It is a huge pool of germs! It actually makes me sick thinking of all the germs on the rides and what we are touching! Blah....I also have issues with the kids and old people that act like fools out there. Let me explain..last year Matthew and I are standing in line with Jagger, who was 3 at the time, and there was a group of teenagers cussing and throwing things right beside us. That makes me so mad that they have to act like that. Then about 20 minutes after that, we walked by two grown men fighting, literally punching each other and rolling on the ground! Seriously people its the fair! But I guess it brings out all different types! and then it is so expensive! This year the arm bands here are $20...to me this is insane. Then you know you are going to spend money on food. Like I said, I do enjoy it but I am always glad when it is over!
ok back to fall.....So I love fall decorations! and I have several other reasons this is one of my favorite season....
*the smells- pumpkin candles, chili in the crockpot, pumpkin bread in the oven! need I say more???? and not just the smells but the tastes! fair food, chili, bread, pumpkin coffee (thanks Starbucks!)..my mouth is watering now!
*clothes- I love this time of the year because of the clothes....My favorite thing to wear is jeans, boots and a lightweight sweater or long sleeve top! I am so ready to be out of shorts and other summer clothes. I have never felt like summer clothes are flattering on me..I would much rather be in a good pair of jeans! ;)
*Scenery- Just look around! This is the time of year I can walk outside and instantly praise God. Last year, several times when driving different places I would almost run off the road looking at the absolutely beautiful scenery.. The leaves on the trees were the most beautiful color orange and reds I have ever seen! Its something I could look at all day!
so what is your favorite thing about this season?
Hope everyone has a super blessed 1st day of fall!
Lots of Love
Park City Utah
3 years ago