Monday, February 27, 2012

Lazy Monday!!

Today will be a lazy day for me!! I was so tired yesterday, and last night I slept so hard I woke up sore this morning!! Is that weird or does that happen to you? This weekend was awesome! I am truly blessed that I got to be apart of it! Cody Deese was our speaker for the weekend! He is amazing!!! He has a true gift of teaching the word, and he is hysterical! I am still laughing over some of the things he said! He has a super cute wife, Katie, who is so sweet! We have figured out we have a connection to each other- our birthdays are one day apart! If you ever get a chance to listen to Cody-go for it!! You will not be sorry!!!
So anyways, yesterday after church we stayed all day at Grandma Betty's and when I say all day I mean All day!! We did not leave until around 9:30 last night! We started watching the Oscars and couldn't stop! We were playing a game with all actors and actresses! Everyone would guess their age and then I would look it upon the Ipad! It was cracking me up! My father-in-law was saying his strategy was to look at the women's necks!!He says that is where they show aging! Hahahahha he so funny!
The weather was gorgeous here yesterday so of course my sweet boy wanted to be outside! He played all day until finally he started turning into a child that I do not even know! I swear he went from this sweet child to throwing himself on the ground, flopping like a fish out of water, kicking and whining! Nothing made him happy! He was so tired! I swear it was like he was demon possessed! Isnt it strange how when they get to THAT point of being tired it's like they completely transform into a child you do not know! He ended up falling asleep sitting up in the recliner eating pizza!! He was exhausted!! And he slept good all night!
I am super of my houses is going to be shown today! Keep your fingers crossed that they will love it and want to make an offer!! We could for sure use the money! Since we now have NO car payment(I love saying it and makes it even better since gas is going stupid high!!!) we are going to be putting EVERYTHING towards my school loans and the last credit card we have!!
Hope everyone has a blessed day!!

Saturday, February 25, 2012


Well here we are already on the 2nd day of DNow, and I am already gushing over with love/excitement because based on what has already happened God is doing amazing things at First Baptist. I have been a bag of tears since it started last night because it warms my heart to witness God working in these kids AND adults!! I think God does just as much for us adults than the kids! Last night to see everyone in true worship was a beautiful thing! From what I have heard we had over 230 last night at the service and 9 came to Christ!!!! And that is just the first night. I got blessed with an awesome group staying our home! We have 7 high school girls and then 1 college student who is teaching. They are all awesome. I love the laughter that fills the room when you get girls together!! And I was so proud they didn't stay up toooo late. I think by 1230 everyone was asleep! So we are all rested and ready to give our day to the Lord! Please keep this event in your prayers.
Hope everyone has a blessed day!

Friday, February 24, 2012


Blogging has become a passion of mine that has been moved to the back burner! It makes me very sad and there has been several times it has made me cry! We still do not have a working computer! This has been going on since the first of December! That is why I did not post about The Tour of Homes and many other things. It is too much of a hassle to go over to someone's house everyday and load pictures on their computer to blog, so I have just given up. We do have an iPad and that is what I am using now but I do not like it for blogging. I have a way to get pictures on here but blogger won't let me upload them. It is very frustrating for me, so until I can get a working computer the blogging will not be much!!! I will check in here and there and I'm praying God will put a computer in my path soon :)
Things are going great in The Cohn household. I can't believe it has been a year since I started blogging. This weekend is DNow for our church and last year I was blogging about it. I am a host home this year and I feel truly blessed that I will get to be apart of this again. I thank Matthew for being supportive of my decision to serve this weekend! I know it is going to be amazing and I can't wait to see what is in store!!! Jagger is growing like crazy and so ready for warm weather. It is driving him crazy and me too! :) we are ready to swim and enjoy the sunshine!
Hope everyone has a blessed day!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Sorta Snow Day!!

Today we had a little snow, rain, and sleet!! It has been so cold all day! I haven't gotten use to the "springy" type weather we have been having and now I am not happy about this winter weather! :)
Jagger and I pretty much stayed in our jammers aka pjs all day!! I was so happy for this! It was one of those much needed days! We even took a cuddly nap together! I am enjoying these as much as I can because I know before I can blink he will be "too cool" for mom!!
Last week we decided to start sponsoring a child through Compassion International. This company is great and I did a lot of research before choosing one. Also, Kelly from Kelly's Korner Went on a mission trip with them just recently, so I knew they were great! So anyways, this is something Matthew and I have been talking about doing for several years but really didn't have the extra money but guess what? Since we did the car deal we can spare the extra money for this! Last week , I started praying about it and once I got on the site I ask God to show us the child that we could sponsor and immediately this precious 5 year old little boy popped on the screen! His name is Victor and he is so sweet! We got all our papers in today and Jagger is so excited! I explained to him what all would happen and now all he talks about is Victor. He is even calling Victor his cousin. Jagger has asks so many questions...where is his mommy and daddy, why don't they have a lot of money, does he have toys, can we send our toys, can he come to our house, can they play together, can they be buddies??? It is precious!! Tonight I have geared up thinking about it because it warms my heart that my 3 year old already has a heart for this! So.. If you ever get interested in sponsoring a child check out the compassion website!
I'm very excited about tomorrow! Jagger is having his valentines day party at daycare and he is really looking forward to it! I had a super cute shirt made for him and we got his valentines ready! I am disappointed in myself, I didn't do anything cute from pinterest! I just went to target and let jagged pick it out! I figure he is so little he could care less what it is.. Now when he gets into school I figure that is when I will start with the crafty stuff! And I'm sure you are wondering if me and my sweety have anything special planned?? The answer is no!! I am not really a valentine fan! I know I am kind of stick in the mud when it comes to this holiday! I feel it's aliitle overrated!
Well I'm going to get off here and read aliitle before bed time! I am reading The Riven by Jerry Jenkins!! I let you know what I think once I get more into it!
Hope everyone has a blessed night!!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

What I'm Loving Wednesday!!

I'm Loving that we are getting to spend some time with Bennie, Poppie and Grandma Margie! I love my family!

I'm Loving that today we found some AMAZING stuff at the consignment stores!!! I love consignment stores!!

I'm Loving Weight Watchers!!!

I'm Loving Vitatop Muffins!!! These babies are only 1 point on Weight Watchers and they are so YUMMY!!! I could eat the whole box. You just take one right out of the freezer and pop it in the microwave for 18 seconds, then you can enjoy a warm chocolate muffin!

I'm Loving the book I am reading! Fame by Karen Kingsbury!! It is so good!

I'm Loving Aveeno Smart Essentials Face wash! It makes my face feel so clean! Even Matthew said he has been using it!

I'm Loving the Tervis Tumblers! I have loved the for along time. We got a set when we got married but for Christmas I got one of the big ones and I use it almost everyday! Its great and I feel lost without it!
and last but not least, I'm Loving my Heavenly Father and my two boys - Matthew and Jagger!!!
Link up with Jamie and tell us what you are loving!! Hope you have had a blessed Wednesday!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Light At The End Of The Tunnel!

Matthew and I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel! As of last night, we are more than $20,000 out of debt than we were! I know you are asking HOW in the world??? Well....we are now the proud owners of a 2001 Toyota Camry! We got rid of the Terrain. I know you are thinking we are crazy but let me explain!
We have been praying for months for God to provide/or show us a way to get out of debt, and when I mean debt I am saying everything paid off except a house payment! As most of you know, we started with very small steps..such as getting rid of texting (our bill went from about $125.00 a month down to $59 - Yes!! I am proud of that!) and then we got rid of cable (our bill was $107 a month and now all we have is netflix, which is 7.99) so right there we started saving money but instead of paying stuff off we were just putting the money back! We were just going around and around paying minimum payments! A few weeks ago I told Matthew I thought we should down grade on our car! He was like are you serious??? and I told him I felt that if we were truly going to do this then that was our only choice! He said ok we could start looking. I immediately started looking at smaller cars, but everything I was looking at was around $15,000 or more. I told Matthew I didn't even want to mess with that because if we were going to do it I wanted it to be extreme! -something we could pay cash for and not have a car payment! We kept looking but nothing came up, so I told him that we would just pray about and God would take care of it! The next day, Matthew got a phone call at work from a lady at our church telling Matthew that her daughter was wanting to get rid of her car and was wondering if Matthew knew anyone that would want it...He hung up the phone and called me..I was shocked. I told him to call her back and see how much they wanted for it! He calls me back in about 10 minutes and of course it was the amount of money we could pay cash for! I was jumping up and down. I then called Matthew and told him to call the lady back and ask what the daughter was interested in and guess what kind of car she had been looking for?????? If you guessed a Terrain, you guessed right!!!! By the time I got home, I was in tears because God is so good. I could not believe all this happened so smoothly! so now we are driving the Camry. We have sit down and if everything goes as planned, we will have almost everything payed off by the end of the summer! I just can not keep thanking God. He has truly answered a prayer and no he did not just pay everything off but he has more than provided a way for us! and more good news, I closed on my first house yesterday and will hopefully have my 2nd one sold in about 3 weeks. That is money we will have to pay towards debt too!!
We are at Bennie and Poppies visiting today! I am so happy to be here. We have not got to see them since Christmas! Jagger could not wait to get here. He would ask every 15 minutes on the way if we were here yet! It was cracking me up!
Well I am going to get off here and visit with the fam!
Hope everyone has a very blessed day!

Friday, February 3, 2012

What A Week!!!

I am so happy that it is Friday! This week has been madness! It has been good madness, so that is a plus! I have been going non-stop since Sunday night!
Monday, I came into work from 9-1. I was super excited about this but this meant I had to get up early and get Jagger to daycare. He was not too happy about that! This is what he now says in the morning, "Mommy, you makin' me upset takin' me to daycare"! hahahah and I just say, " there is not much I can do about it"! That night I had bible study and it was AWESOME!!! I just love Beth Moore and she does such a great job teaching!
Tuesday morning I took Jagger to the doctor at 9am. They told us he had a severe sinus infection-on a scale of 1-10 he was an 8.5! Poor baby!!! We finally figured out why he was so cranky! I also had a new listing scheduled at 3:00pm, so I knew it would be a rushed day! Yes...I said NEW listing! YAY! and one of my old listings is closing on Monday! ;) By the time I got home, we were all so tired and I knew the next day was going to be nuts. This was my week to head the Wednesday night dinner at church. Normally we serve anywhere between 60-130 people! Try planning for that??? It is hard to plan when you really do not know an exact figure! I was super stressed, but I had a wonderful group of women that helped with the meal!
Wednesday- Got up at 6am and did my quite time! I am so grateful for my quite time because I do not think I would have made it through the week without it! Around 8am, Jagger and I came up to the office and did some work. I had to be over at my listing to get pictures and go to the courthouse to get tax card and deed! We finished at the house around 10:30, then we went to Wal-Mart to get groceries. At 12:30, we went up to the church and that is where we stayed until about 7:30 that night. The meal turned out great! I was very pleased! and while all this is going on I was on the phone with customers trying to get a deal worked out with some property! At 8pm, Jagger and I were in bed and I felt like I had been beat up!
Thursday- took Jagger to daycare around 10am so that I could come to office and get some work done. around 12 our office went to eat lunch with my husbands bank! ;) Its very interesting that our jobs go hand in hand! He has really taught me alot! I am thankful to have him to help answer questions! I had to run get Jagger, get home and straighten up the house because at I had to be at a house to show at 4pm, then be back home for Faithful Friends at 6pm..We did not get done at the house until around 5:40, so on the way home I am frantically calling Matthew asking him to do things! I was like a crazy person! I LOVE our Faithful Friends group! It is so nice to be around women that love the Lord, and still lead normal lives! We just always have so much fun when we are with each other! It is always lifts my mood! but I was already in a GREAT mood because my people wanted to put in an offer on the house we looked at! It was just a fantastic day!
and so here I am today counting down the minutes until I am watching Jason Aldean tonight! This is the perfect way to end this busy week! I can't wait! ;) I know we are going to have a blast!
oh and by the way we are buying the Camry and someone is buying our Terrain! We are just in shock how God worked this out. He definitely had his hand in this one! and now we are just excited that we will have NO CAR payment next month! WOW!!!! Totally worth it!
Hope everyone has had a super blessed week and a blessed Friday!