Monday, October 26, 2015

Full Week!

One day down. 6 more to go!! This week is the busiest week we have had since school started. We literally have things everyday and some of the days have multiple things! I got really stressed yesterday afternoon just making list after list of what needed to be done! Please tell me I am not the only one that does this! Here is a glimpse at our week:
*Today- Masterson Carnival  (Matthew and I volunteered to help but thankfully we got an early shift) It is also Red Ribbon Week at our schools so everyday there is something to dress in! Today was Jersey Day at my school, and Minion shirt at Jagger's!
*Tuesday-    Super Hero day at my school, Jagger School: any red shirt....  we have boy scouts meeting at night
*Wednesday- church (Jagger has "bible study", and choir. Matthew has band. I am doing a devotion for the youth group and we are doing food.)   Nerd day at school,
*Thursday- Career day or favorite character at school       Night: Mrs Karen (keeps Hudson)  is having a family hayride!
*Friday- Halloween shirts at school... Jagger fall party at school. Hudson fall party. Megan Fall party ;)    Night: Joint birthday party
*Saturday: Halloween/trunk or treat at church
*Sunday: Church and taking youth to a judgement house  Oh, and somewhere in there is time spent with family! ;)
Also, I need to find time to round up things for trunk or treat, and make snacks for trunk or treat! ;)
 I decided after a small panic attack that I would not let this week get the best of me. I was going to breathe and only worry about one day at a time. If things don't get done, it's ok! If my kids don't have the best Halloween snacks, it's ok! If the laundry piles up this week, it's ok! I am only one person and can only do so much!
I feel this is one of those times that God is saying stop and turn to me! When you feel the pressure from the week, stop and give it to me! I know he will carry me through this week and everything will be fine!
So I have to ask. Are you one to buckle under stress of a super busy schedule or can you sail right through it? any pointers?
Hope everyone has a blessed night!
Lots of love...

Thursday, October 22, 2015

I Didn't Know You Were A Christian!

About a week ago my sister-in-law shared a post from Missy Robertson (Duck Dynasty) titled, " Hey, I didn't know you were a christian!" You can read it here, but basically she is writing about if others know by your actions that you are a christian. I absolutely love this article and it has stuck with me since I have read it!
I really had to ask myself this question and be true with myself! Let's just say I was disappointed in myself! Here are some things that I feel stand in my way at times.

* Busy, busy, busy! There are times we/I get so busy and wrapped up in what's going on in "Cohn" world that we tend to forget what's going on around us! I really try to daily pray that God will open my eyes to things going on, and SLOW us down so we can focus on HIM. I want to not be so busy that I miss opportunities he gives me to show love to others.

*Comfort Zone! I think this is one that everyone deals with. Getting out of our comfort zone! What if we are lead to do something that might make us a little uncomfortable??? I am pretty sure that when Jesus died on the cross it was uncomfortable! So why can't be uncomfortable? Why is is such a big deal to share Christ with others? I know the older I have gotten the easier it is for me to be open about my relationship with Christ, but I still get very nervous about giving my testimony. You would think this would be a piece of cake. I think Satan causes us to get so nervous that many times we back out of doing things because we think we can't handle the pressure. It's time to stand up to Satan and get out of our zone. I have also noticed that many times when we do that step those are the times we receive the biggest blessings!

*Not enough money/resources.    I did have money to buy that toy? oh and that shirt I couldn't live without?  So obviously if we can find money for material things that will one day be no more, we have money for things that can help others. I want to start making better investments for HIM.

*Treating my family the same as others...This may seem strange and I really hope this does not make me seem horrible, but I bad about having a shorter temper with my family. I am bad about giving out grace and mercy to my family, but can easily to others. Why is this? I want my kids and husband to never doubt that I am a christian because of my actions towards them. I should put on love, grace, kindness, patience, forgiveness and many others everyday!

I never want anyone to ever question or doubt if I am a Christian. Now, I do mess up. I do sin. I am human, but I know He forgives me when I go to him. My goal daily is to put myself aside and to make sure that the things that I am doing show people that I am a Christian. Show people my love for Jesus!!! Would you join me?
Hope you have a blessed night!
Lots of love...

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Checking Off Our List!

Well, it's been a few days since I have gotten to write. Life sort of got in the way!!! We have had a few crazy things happen over the last two weeks. Urgent Care, Head injury at school (Me), Jagger ER visit due to head know just normal things ;)
So anywho, in between all the craziness we have managed to check a few things off of our October Bucket List!!

1. Carve pumpkins.....We love to carve pumpkins and we have learned that Hudson does NOT!! He is terrified of pumpkin guts! It is hysterical!   "No!! That scare me!!"

2. Visit pumkin patch!! We have not done this as a family and I am hoping we will still have time, but Jagger got to go on a field trip with his class  and then I went with my class!!  (Jagger's ended with a trip to the ER...he fell and hit his head on an old pedal tractor. He got a pretty good cut that the doctor glued back together!   This morning when he woke up..He said, "wow, I look like Halloween!")
 Enjoying the pumpkin patch with my Fran!! This girl keeps us on our toes, but we love that smile!
My sweet boy once we got home from hospital.. He was so brave!! Momma...not so much!! 

3. Hayride- We have had 2 hayrides in a week!!! We had a couples hayride for our Faithful Friends group at church and then we took the youth group on a hayride!! They both were so much fun. I had not been on a hayride since I was a teenager! Lots of fun but for sure needed benadryl! ;) 

4. Read  Halloween books!! We love to read in our house....Well, let me rephrase that. Jagger and I love to read! Matthew and Hudson not so much!  Every night we read books, so this one was super easy to accomplish! Our favorites are There was an old lady who swallowed a bat, and Click Clack Boo

5. Eat Count Chocula - Ummmmmm, we might have gone through several boxes by now! ;)

6. Bonfire-  We have had 4 bonfires!! One with the Faithful Friends group, one with Sunday School class, one with Youth group, and one with Grandma and Grandpa!! Besides the smell of smoke that saturates your clothes we always have a blast!

Bonfire with Grandma and Grandpa
 Youth group
Sunday School Class

Faithful Friends Hayride and Bonfire!! Lots of laughs! 
7. Movies- We are planning on Hocus Pocus tonight! This is one of my favorites. My boys really like the Curious George Halloween! It is super cute!

8. Roast Marshmallow- Did at bonfires!

9. Eat Smores- Did at bonfires! What is a bonfire without smores???

I think we are off to a good start but we still have lots to do in 11 days!!
Lots of love..

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

October Bucket List!

Bucket List! I love a good list and especially when it is a list of fun things to do! I am going to try a monthly bucket list. The list will be full of things to do based on the month! So for October, we will do Halloween things, November -fall/Thanksgiving, etc. etc. Since there are 31 days in the month, I have came up with 31 things for us to do as a family. Now we may not accomplish all of them, but we will try our best! I will keep you posted on how we do! 
1. Carve Pumpkins
2. "Boo" a neighbor
3. Bake Halloween cookies
4. Drink Cider
5. Make Handprint Bats/craft
6. Visit a pumpkin patch
7. Take a hayride
8. Make caramel apples
9. Jump in a pile of leaves
10. Bake an apple pie
11. Make homemade chili
12. Go on a scavenger hunt
13. Make leaf rubbings
14. Take an evening walk with flashlights to see Halloween decorations
15. Put up fake cobwebs
16. Read Halloween books
17. Take fall family pictures
18. Wear Halloween tshirts
19. Eat Count Chocula
20.Have a bonfire
21.Watch Halloween movies
22. Roast Marshmallows
23. Make a pumpkin pie/bread
24. Make homemade hot cocoa
25. Wear costumes at supper time
26. Visit a corn maze
27. Halloween themed breakfast
28. Buy Halloween candy
29. Donate to a food pantry/drive
30. Eat Smore's 
31. Trick or Treat

Any other suggestions?? Hope this list will help us do things as a family and enjoy the month of October! 
Lots of love...

Monday, October 5, 2015

It's The Truth!

Happy Monday! Fall where did you go? You were here this weekend and then ,bam you are gone! 80 degrees....I can't handle this in my boots!

I don't know about you but I have always been a transparent person. You can read me like a book. I am not good at hiding my emotions. I am also very open about most things (I said MOST..I know what I need to keep to myself). I have always felt that I have nothing to hide. I think God wants me to be honest and open with others to show that it's ok to be certain ways. Its ok to not live a perfect life. It's ok to make mistakes. So for those of you who do not know me or have just started reading the blog, here are a few truths about me! ;)

*It's the truth- I have battled depression several times! It has gotten so bad that I have had to get help. GASP...I know, but I am a Christian. She shouldn't depend on medication to help with her problems.  Yes, I am a Christian. Yes, I live my life for the Lord, but it does not make me any less of a person that I needed help with depression. I think many people go through depression especially after pregnancy and never get help! I will say that God was with me through all of it and now I am off of all medication.

*It's the truth- Matthew and I do not have a perfect marriage! Believe me, we have had a ups, downs and in betweens. There are days I just want to punch him, but  I love him so much and I can't imagine doing life with anyone else! ;)

*It's the truth- I have not swept my floor in almost 3 days and it is absolutely driving me INSANE!!! After supper I will be working on this. We have, Hank, our lab and his hair about puts me over the edge. I typically sweep everyday, but I got lazy! ;) Priorities people!

*It's the truth- Cereal is considered a nutritious supper right??

*It's the truth- Matthew and I met in a shoe store!!!

*It's the truth- I am an only child, and then the only grandchild! Crazy huh? I am not as spoiled as you are thinking. I had a job when I was 14 and worked all the way through high school and college.

*It's the truth- Disney is my favorite place in the world. I am counting down the days until the next trip!

*It's the truth- I LOVE working..I can't wait to finish my degree!! I finally feel like I have a purpose.

*It's the truth- There are relationships that I have prayed and poured my heart out for, but they have never moved forward. I finally have come to grips that these may never happen, and that's ok! I know it's all in God's hands.

Hope everyone has a blessed day!
Lots of love..

Thursday, October 1, 2015

What Worries Me..

Are you a "worrier"? 10 years ago I would have considered myself a worrier, but I feel like over the past few years I have really worked on giving my worries to God. That doesn't mean that I don't worry about anything. It just means that I am better about laying it down and not picking it back up. I think with the world we live in there is always something that we could be worrying about. I want to share some things that have crossed my mind lately. 
* Abortions. This word makes me sick. I am very strong in my feelings on abortion. I know this is a hot topic so I am not going into major detail. The other day my good friend, Audra, and I were texting about this topic so I decided to look up the website for Planned Parenthood. With in minutes I was in tears and sick to my stomach. 
*My kids and the world we live in.   Every once in a while I honestly get upset about this. I start worrying and I get overwhelmed. I know at this point it is time to pray. This is only Satan trying to get the best of me.   I think about all the horrible things that are going on in this world and I want to keep my boys protected from all of it. I want them to stay healthy. I want them to not fall into the temptation that so many teens and young adults do. I want them to be mindful and smart to what is going on around them. I want them to chose God and not the world. 
*Shootings/Acts of Violence- This worries me because we are constantly hearing about shootings. (Today's shooting in Oregon.) Shootings at movie theaters, schools, malls, churches.  People are nuts. We just never know when or where it could happen. 
*Losing a close relative. I know this is something completely out of my control.
*Not telling enough people about Jesus. This is something that is out of my comfort zone. I pray everyday that I am showing people the love of Christ and that I would a light in this dark world. But is that enough? 
*People are mad or upset with me. I have for sure gotten better about this as I have gotten older. Some one close to me told me a few years ago, "God first, Matthew second, kids next, everyone else can get over it"  I would always worry about everyone else and what they were thinking.  Once I started thinking about this, I realized you won't make everyone happy, and we can't spend all our time dwelling on it. 
*The future.....will we have enough money? whats going happen then? etc etc etc...We are not guaranteed tomorrow so why worry about it!!! ;) 
So I have to ask...What do you worry about??
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Phillipians 4:6-7
Have a blessed night.
Lots of love...

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

It's Fall Y'all!

Well I don't know about where you live, but here it is officially fall!! The reason I am claiming that fall is officially here is that this week is our county fair! Yes, I said Fair! This word makes people go crazy especially kids! I have got most of our Fall/Halloween decorations out. I am not typically one to decorate for Halloween, but Jagger loves it so much that I have started getting decorations for it!
It's a working progress, but we are getting there...I still want to add more pumpkins and a few other things! 

 We love this phone because it rings and then an scary voice answers the phone! The kids love it! 
 This picture of Jagger is one of my ALL time favorites! 
 Our black crow in the cage!! He is pretty cool! 
 Last year after a doctors appointment we had to stop at Walgreens and we stumbled across this guy that we couldn't live without...."Country Skeleton"..he plays the banjo! 
Waiting on the parade!! My baby boy is growing up so fast! 
 I love this picture because of the movie theater in the background!
 Hello Firetruck...Hello police...Hello boy...hello man..hello people! Hudson waved and said hello to everyone! 

 Testing out some of the rides!

 I am so happy that Fall is finally here! So many great things on our fall bucket list! I can't wait to share our list with you, but right now I am going to cuddle with two sweet boys! ;)
Have a blessed night!!
Lots of love...

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Off Track!

Do you ever feel off track? Just like things are "not right"! I can't explain this, but every once in awhile I feel like God is tugging at my heart saying that I am "off track". Wake up Megan, let's get back on track!
Let me explain my "off track". There are several big red flags that go up when I know that I am losing focus...
*my patience level starts getting shorter and shorter. Things that typically don't bother me, start to bother me. I get antsy sooner than normal. I start losing patience with my kids and husband. I hate this feeling because I feel like I can't relax.
*Constantly looking at stuff to buy! I know this sounds strange, and I hope it doesn't make me less of a person, but I don't feel content. I have always been an emotional shopper. When I don't feel good or are feeling stress instead of eating, I shop. Why do I need more jeans when I have a closet full? Why am I looking at newer cars when mine is perfectly fine? Why do I need "things" to fill our home when we have too much? You get it..... I am looking for a fix in material things!
*Shorter temper- I already have a short temper but during this time it gets shorter. This is such a bad thing and I hate feeling like this. Again, things that normally don't bother me start to bother me.
*Quiet time/bible study gets put on the back burner- The time that I spend with God gets replaced with other things...facebook, tv, reading, etc. This is huge for me because I love my quiet time! I am human and there are times other things get in the way. It truly becomes a problem when it starts to become a habit!
So...With all this being said, the last few weeks I have been dealing with these things. I have felt out of control .This morning during my quiet time, I cried out to HIM that I have had enough. I am tired of this and I can't do it without HIM. Instantly I felt in heart, him saying, "You know what to do." and yes I do. Time to put down things and get back "on track". For me this means stepping away from the things of this world. Getting rid of facebook again (deleting it from my phone), no instagram, no pinterest, no tv shows, just me, HIM, and my family! (I will continue blogging, and it does automatically post to facebook when I publish the post, so you will be seeing blog posts!)
 If it does not benefit His kingdom I don't want anything to do with it. How long will this go on? I am not sure. I will let Him show me. Is this for everyone? I am not sure. I know it is a personal things for me. I am not going to live my life full of negativity and constantly running around in circles for things that are temporary. I want my eyes fully on Him. I want to be better. I want more than this world can provide!

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Here We Go! Sinus Season- Take 1!

Well if you know or have been around me for awhile then you know that I have MAJOR sinus problems!! Last year I had so many sinus infections that we lost count. It was horrible and really I should have went to a sinus doctor, but I made the mistake of googling sinus surgery and literally broke out in a cold sweat and got light-headed just reading about it! thanks! Mucinex all the way! Normally every year about a week before the fair gets here I feel my sinus start acting up. Sometimes I can keep them acting nice, but other times I can't. They get extremely out of control and act crazy. Today they went crazy! I was sitting at the desk at school, and started feeling sick. I knew when my head felt like a hot air balloon and the room was spinning it was time to get reinforcement.  Mucinex and more mucinex was not cutting the junk! I got a doctors appointment for after work and guess what??? First sinus infection of the season! Antibiotics, nasal spray, Zyrtec and singular. I'm really hoping all this gets me under control and keep the infections away! I do not need to be sick. None of us need to be sick! We did run to Wal-Mart the other day and strictly bought Lysol, Lysol wipes, orange juice, Vitamin C gummies for the boys, Vitamin C for adults, and Germx! Yes I am determined to keep the germs away from my family!
Other than the sinus junk things have been great! We have had spirit week at our school this week. It has been a lot of fun so far. I plan on posting the pics of what we have been doing. Jagger has had tons of fun. Last year he missed out because we were in Disney, so he is really trying to make up for it this year!
 Time to hit the hay for this momma!! Hope everyone has a great night...
Lots of love..

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

What I am Wearing!

Can you believe it is already Wednesday again?? This last week has flown by for me! I am absolutely loving this awesome cooler weather! I can't wait to have chili on my menu!
Here is what my closet has been up to the last week.....
 Not one of my favorite outfits, but I do love the top. I typically where it with different pants and I think that is what has me thrown off! ;)
 My favorite!!!! I love this ruffled top! I bought it last year at a boutique and have worn the mess out of it!! I love it with black pants!
 I got this "wrap" top a few weeks ago. I wasn't quite sure about it, but ended up loving it! It was super comfortable. I wore it with my long and leans and cowboy boots!
I got this shirt in the spring and have only worn it once. I love wearing it because it feels happy!! Oxfords are a must in any closet because they go with almost anything! If you dont' have a pair I recommend you buying some right now! ;)

Hope you have a blessed day!
Lots of love..

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

A Day In My Life!

I love knowing how other people spend their day! I like to see how they spend their time. How they fit everything into one, single day!! Here is how I do it...

4:45 -5:00 am (alarm goes off) Some days I do hop out of bed at 4:45. Other days it is 5!

5:00-5:15 - shower!
5:15-5:30- dry hair
5:30-5:50- straighten hair!! I know I am crazy!
5:50-6:15- Bible study/ quite time
*I always have laundry going during this time. Either a load goes in the washer or is going in dryer..I like to get at least one load completely finished in the morning..
6:15-6:30- fix lunches and unload dish washer
6:30 - first attempt to get boys up! I do like to move Jagger to the couch so he can start waking up!
6:45- clothes on, make up on,  beds made
7:00-put up clothes from laundry and get boys dressed
7:30- leave house (this is the time that has been a complete nightmare for us, BUT yesterday we made HUGE progress!) NO screaming, kicking, yelling, was a true answered prayer!
7:45- get to work!!!
7:50- Walk to office and wait on my kiddos to get off bus!!
11:40-12:10- lunch!!!! I love lunch..I use this time to do a short bible study, prayer, read, or just breathe!!!
3:20- kiddos from class back on bus! ;)
3:35- pick up Hudson
3:40- pick up Jagger
4:00 -HOME!   Let Hank out, check mail, change clothes
*depending on what night it is determines when I start supper! My family likes to eat early because we are starving. Jagger is so hungry when he gets home so I don't want him filling up on snacky stuff. Most nights I get supper started around 4:15, so we can eat 5:00-5:30
5:00-5:30 eat supper, if possible   (I do plan my meals for the week! I do ALL of my grocery shopping on Sunday afternoon that way I do not go to the store in the middle of the week!)
6:00- homework! During this time, Matthew will take Hudson to do something so Jagger can focus on homework..
6:30 - errands if needed (sometimes we need to run something to someones house or take the trash to the farm...we do it during this time!), chore of the day! Monday: bathrooms,  Tuesday: Dust, Wednesday: Vacuum, Thursday: Mop    Friday: rotate deep cleaning
7:30- Bathtime!!
8:00- start to calm down...I really like to have most lights off by this time. Jagger has a devotion book that we read from every night so this is when we do this. We also read our other books at this time..
8:45- 9:15   The boys are pretty much asleep by this time...and sometimes momma!! ;)
After they are asleep I like to make sure that the floors are swept and any laundry that has not been put up is done.
I also spend this time blogging or hanging out with Matthew!!
10:30-I better be asleep by this time!! I really like to be asleep before this time, but this is my turn into a pumpkin time! LOL

Well there you have it! A day in my life! It gets crazy and sometimes I think I am going to run my legs off , but it works for our family!
Do you have a daily routine/schedule you follow, or do you fly by the seat of your pants?
Hope you have a great day!
Lots of love

Monday, September 14, 2015

Weekend Recap: #FowlerForever

This weekend was so special to our family! My cousin Joseph got married to the sweetest most precious person you will ever meet, Haley! I am so so so excited that she is part of our family! Lots of happy tears were shed this weekend! Joseph and Haley- we love you and are so happy that we could be part of your special day!
 Yes...Hudson had a blast playing in the dirt!! ;) 

 Bennie and her boys!
 Jagger loves to photo bomb! 
 Aunt Brenda, Joseph and Haley!! 
 My Aunt Brenda is one special lady to me! She has always been there for me during good times and bad!! Love her so much!
 My two awesome cousins!! We grew up together and have so many great memories!
 What do you do when you are waiting??? Selfies of course! 

Pop is not really into selfies! LOL!!

Hope you have a super day!! Lots of love..

Friday, September 11, 2015

Friday Favorites!

I am so glad it is Friday.  I am worn plum out and am so ready to sleep later than normal in the morning! Since it is Friday, it's time to share some of my favorites from the week! Linking up with these lovely ladies...AndreaErika, and Narci.  Enjoy...

*Jagger moment: Getting to Dove hunt with his Daddy! He was so EXCITED! The pictures that Matthew took of them while they were hunting were precious. I am so glad that they can spend time together and make special memories!

*Hudson moment: Well....little Hudson has had a rough week. ;( He has caused this momma a lot of stress this week! This morning on the way to work I was crying because I had no clue what else to do, and I felt God telling me to be grateful that he is even here to cause stress!! Thank you God for Hudson and the craziness he brings to our life!

*Favorite outfit: I am thinking my favorite outfit from the week was the jeans with the kelly green top! I have a thing for kelly green! Such a great fun color!

*Favorite verse: Every day during the week I send out a "bible verse text". I send this text out to around 15 women. I am not really sure why I do this but I know it is something I felt led to do. Some days I am not sure I should keep doing it, but I know within my heart it is the right thing. My favorite verse from the week is 1 Thessalonians 5:6 "So then, let us not be like others, who are asleep, but then let us be alert and self-controlled."

*Favorite food/drink: La Croix!! Stop what you are doing and go buy some! It is flavored sparkling water! It is so refreshing! Warning: It is pricey! I only get to drink 1 a day! :)

*Favorite funny: I love a good laugh!

Favorite Picture:
No Words! ;)

Hope everyone has a super blessed day! Lots of love..