Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Take Me Out To The Ballgame

Summertime:  swimming pools, vacations, sleeping in, fishing trips, camping, no make-up days, sno cones, late nights, and last but not least, BASEBALL!!
Both boys are playing ball, so we are spending a lot of time out at the ball fields. Jagger has moved up to live pitch, and Hudson is playing coach pitch. I was never a ball player growing up, so all of this ball stuff is new to me. Thankfully Jagger has been playing since he was 4, so I am catching on with Hudson. I do still get made fun of because I am not "up" on my baseball lingo. Allyson has tried to teach me but I still don't really get it. A for effort Allyson!
So anywho, I may not have a clue what is going on out on the field, but I sure do love watching my boys play! They are two totally different creatures and it is hysterical to see their personalities come out while they are on the field.
(Side note: Since when did boys baseball ages 5-10 become Major League ??? It absolutely blows my ever loving mind what I see when I am out at these fields? I guess I missed the signs saying they are passing out college scholarships, and recruiting for major league because why else would parents act out the way they do?? If someone can please answer the question of why adults lose their minds at the ball field, I would love to know! Oh and if you are that parent, I will add you to my prayer list!)
Let me just explain this family when it comes to baseball. We get in the car and tell our boys to have fun!! Play their best and have FUN!!! Many times we pray before we get out of the car and we tell our boys to be a light to other kids! We may not be the best team in the league but I love knowing my kids are having fun and learning to better themselves as a  player.  My boys know to have a good attitude no matter what and you always tell the other team good game! Attitude is everything!!
Wow! I totally got off track and had no intention of bringing all this up. I think sometimes the ball field is a "hot topic" for me because I get so disappointed in how parents and kids act! Learn some darn manners and respect people!
Ok..back to my kiddos..
So we have HUD! If you come to watch Hud, odds are you will be entertained. Sorry Coach Moses! I have witnessed twirling out in the field, some good dance moves (the running man, taking the "L" (thank you Fortnite), and some other moves that Hudson made up), waving and giving the thumbs up, talking to his teammates, sliding in to every base he can, and running so fast that his little head in that huge helmet can't keep up (Lord Helmet at its finest). My favorite part is that he never knows if they win or lose!! He runs off the field with a huge smile and is so excited about the popcorn snack from the concession stand!

Let's walk across the field to Jagger's game! It's a whole different world! Literally. Jagger moved up this year to live pitch. It is the 9/10 year old league, so they are the young ones in the league. I felt that this year was probably the hardest transition yet. These boys are going from pitching machine last year to live pitch. Maybe I am crazy, but it looks hard? The boys are so hard on themselves, and you can feel the tension in the stands. I seriously have no finger nails left!!  Why is Jagger always up  to bat when we have two outs? Jagger is always in the game, and takes everything so seriously. After every game, he beats himself up because he feels he didn't play his best, but to see those DIMPLES shining when he hits a HOME RUN....priceless!

So, the next time you are at the ball fields, you can find a few laughs with Hud, or catch a real nail biter with Jagger!
Lots of love...

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