Friday, April 4, 2014

Letting Go!

I love mornings..Let me rephrase..I love early mornings when my house is super quite and everyone but myself is still asleep! I love the fact that I can walk around the house and do anything. I get a lot accomplished during this time and its when I do my time with the Lord. Its so peaceful and relaxing!
So this morning I am in my quite time and my devotion was on Abraham and Issac. It is when the Lord wants Abraham to sacrifice Issac and as he puts him on the altar to be sacrificed the Angel stops him and then a ram is provided in Issacs place. This whole story really gets to me everytime. When I read it, I just can not imagine placing my own child on an altar to sacrifice him...Call me crazy but I just can't even imagine..So anyways, basically the devotion was talking about how we all have "Issacs" in our life. We all have things that we need to sacrifice. We need to  lay them down on the altar and let go...This hits my heart like crazy. I am a controlling person by nature so I for sure have things that I need to lay down. By the time I am done with the devotion I am in tears because I know there are things that I need to just let go....Right now I am in the middle of a real estate deal that is stressful- lay it down. I love my kids more than life and want to make sure I have control of what they do- lay them down. I want to have control over our debt, money and financial situation-lay it down. There are relationships in my life that I worry over and want to fix- lay it down.
After reading through this devotion and thinking I had dealt with several things, I was reading something else and BOOM God hit me..I had ask him in prayer to show me things throughout the day that I need to let go and surrender. It amazes me how God throws things in my face. I ask him to do something and Oh my does he ever! The section I was reading on was envy. Honestly at first I wasn't going to read it because I was thinking to myself that I am not envious..Wrong!! The passage asks, "When your friend tells you about her Mediterranean cruise with hubby, does your heart sink or swim? Are you able to genuinely rejoice with someone or do you quietly long that you could swap experiences? Envy can blur our vision, causing us to long for something we don't have and to desire that others not have it either." Wow...after reading this I felt sick...There have been times and I even catch myself wanting what others have. When I see people that are better off financially than us, in my mind I long for that. Well God, you showed me one of my "Issacs"- envy. Time to surrender and lay it down. Once I realized what God was showing me, I went to him in prayer with tears in my eyes. I can't believe I had been living with so much envy and then being in denial that I was envious...I don't feel bad about this..I am human. I make mistakes and will continue to make mistakes. I am just grateful that God can show me these things so I can learn from them. I truly want to make sure that I am not missing out on the joy that God has for me. I am willing and want to lay down any "Issacs" that I have standing in that way.

Hope everyone has a blessed day!
Lots of love.

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