Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Learning To Sew!!

Yes....I am learning to sew and guess what??? I am teaching myself! Thank goodness for internet/youtube! It is amazing/overwhelming all the information you can find out there! I have called my Grandma several times today asking her how to do what? and when I say that I am learning to sew, I mean from the very basics! I knew NOTHING!! I had no clue what a bobbin was??? which is actually crazy because I have grown up watching my Grandma sew! I remember being little and sitting under her sewing machine watching her foot control the pedal for hours! I have always wanted to learn but never did and now I figure it is time! My Grandma was so excited when I finally told her I wanted to sew- she is more excited than I am!
Today, I got so frustrated trying to fill the bobbin and then thread the machine! It took me several hours and even now I still think I need more practice! I was very thankful for the McDonald's break we took at lunch! I was about to throw the bobbin across the room! I know this is not something that I will learn over night, but it is something new that I am super excited about it! I know that when I learn I will love it!
Jagger kept asking me all day what in the world I was doing and why was I making such a big mess on the table??? He could not understand what I was doing!

Eventually I will move to spare room, so I wont have to put all this up every time! ;)
I was looking online and came across several things that I am hoping one day I will be able to make!!! These are my sewing goals......

Do you sew? If you do, do you have any tips you can give me???
Hope everyone had a blessed Wednesday!!

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